Turbo Snails


New Member
I have five (5) large turbo snails each with a foot about the size of a thumb that have recently become quite dormate, several have huddled together and have not moved for a little less than a week now. I also have a dozen or so smaller turbo's that seem fine are are fairly active all the time. All water parameters are within levels:
Do turbo's have an average life expectancy ??
When they grow do they just secrete more material for their shell or do they molt ?? Any thoughts on why they would exhibit this behavior all at the same time ??


Do they have larger shells to move into in the tank? I am no snail expert but I think they will switch shells as they outgrow them. Maybe someone else has more info , but that would be my first guess. In my tank I quite often see a couple of them together, but they will move over a couple days.
I can't answer all your questions, but I do know the answer to one of your concerns. Turbos do grow their own shell. On mine, it is interesting to see the new growth, which is pinkish in color, and just a perfect extension of their shell. Mine have grown about 1/2 inch or so of new shell in about one years' time.
I have seen mine exhibit the same behavior as you describe, but eventually they just get moving again.
I keep my calcium levels at 450, which is good for all inverts that need calcium for skeletal growth.


Active Member
The larger mexican turbos seem to do this from time to time, I had two come as hitchhikers on the first piece of LR I bought. One croaked a couple months ago after landing on his back, and I was not there to save him until it was too late :(. They were with me from the beginning, lived through the cycle and every other stupid mistake I have made. From time to time for no apparent reason, the just stop moving for a while. Sometimes for a whole week.


I've noticed it on turbos more so than other snails I've had that once they consume a certain amount of food, they just STOP. And it takes them forever to start back up eating. Thank god for all the other janitors there is to offer.


Active Member
The biggest problem with Turbos is the landing or being flipped on their backs. Since they can not right themselves they are easy pickings for fish to eat. I spend every night flipping turbos back right side up. The best snails I have ever had are the Tiger Cowries (which I use in my big Pork and Dog tanks, they are rounded shells the Puffs can't do much to harm them and they eat tons of algae, but the ones I can get from time to time are large 4 inches or so.