Turbo twist catching fire?


New Member
i just bought a turbo twist UV Sterilizer and i have read opinions on ppl that like uv sterilizer and those that dont i was just wondering if anyone has had a fire with the turbo twist and ppl who have had success or no problems if u use and kind of sterilizer please write what u think of it
thank you

tony detroit

Active Member
I've read two accounts I can think of readily. Username Crusty the clown on here had one go up in smoke.
I would run a different brand myself. JMO
I run Aqua, they've been around 20+ years and have a great rep. They are simple and effective and sell all replacement parts, washers, etc. No I don't work for them, I've seen all the units, run a couple myself and I like the Aqua the most. They build large commercial units, so I think it can be said they know what they're doing.
Companies like Coralife send a contract to China for the lowest bidder, whoever comes in cheapest wins the contract and builds the product. Then Coralife puts their name on the box and markets it here in the states.
I know all about product failure myself in this hobby firsthand, I can tell you I have experience for when things go wrong, and it really, really sucks. I had all my fish sitting in my living room in all these rubbermaid tubs for 5 weeks when tank blew. To me it is not worth saving 50 bucks to take risks on your house/family.
When you're playing with that much electricity and water in the same area, one small leak and you can lose everything you own. This is not a laughing matter to me. Same thing goes for RIO pumps.



Originally posted by tony detroit
Same thing goes for RIO pumps.

I just heard about the Rio problem from someone first hand. I guess some/all have oil in them and when it split it dumped the oil and electrified the water. :scared: