Turbo Twist UV Help?


New Member
Tried this in another part of the forum without luck : (
Hey All,
First I am very much a newb lol... however after much research I have decided to buy a Turbo Twist UV. Mainly to help with parasite control in my 150 FOWLR tank. Yes I have read the pros and cons and what it will and wont do : )
Have a few questions:
1.My tank is 150 gallons and according to Coralife the 18watt handles up to 250... however I have heard to go bigger (36 watt). Is that really necessary? Or will I be fine with the 18watt?
2. If I do go with the 18 watt... what power head do you recommend? And what gph would be most effective for my 150? This will go in my sump btw.


For parasites they recommend 110 gph on the 18W and 290 gph on the 36 watt unit. The size of the tank does not matter, it is all about the time the water is exposed to the light. General usage is 240 gph on the 18w and 680 gph on the 36 watt.


New Member
Originally Posted by cveverly
For parasites they recommend 110 gph on the 18W and 290 gph on the 36 watt unit. The size of the tank does not matter, it is all about the time the water is exposed to the light. General usage is 240 gph on the 18w and 680 gph on the 36 watt.

Thanks for the feedback!!
So for the 18 watt would you reccomend the Maxi Jet 900? And do you think I should just splurge on the 36 watt?


Originally Posted by kungfugrip
Thanks for the feedback!!
So for the 18 watt would you reccomend the Maxi Jet 900? And do you think I should just splurge on the 36 watt?

For parasite control I might select a 600 if you have near zero head pressure. As for going to the 36 watt I really don't know. In the past I ran UV on a fish only tank. It was 120 gallon and I ran two 18 watt UV filters.