Turbo Twist UV


Has anyone had the Turbo Twist UV sterilizer fall off the back of their tank? I found the mounting bracket to hang it off the tank not long after I had the suction cup mount fall loose and spill most of my tank water. I'm a little nervous to hook the thing back up with the fear of it falling again. I'm hoping though that the plastic mount is better.
Thank you.


Active Member
I would just throw it away...but that is just me. Not a huge fan of them.
Maybe you can rig something up as a back-up just in case it falls again.


Active Member
I would try rigging up some sort of backup just to keep it from falling. I am not sure exactly how it hooks to the back, but zipties work wonders in most cases.


The reason it came loose the first time is because I was stupid and did not realize i had a plastic mount for it to hang on the edge of the tank. I guess you learn the hard way sometimes. I just hope it doesn't happen again. I'm making an adjustment on the intake so if it does, I won't have the same huge mess. Thanks guys


Heh, thanks Vanos. I feel alot better now. Oh well, I think I'll just put it in a box and maybe sell it.


Active Member
Originally Posted by WLA1610
Heh, thanks Vanos. I feel alot better now. Oh well, I think I'll just put it in a box and maybe sell it.

And do so knowing that if you purchased this thinking it will kill/control/combat ich...it does not. Not a very useful piece of equipment...but it will marginally improve water quality at best.


I was being somewhat sarcastic. No rudeness or anything intended though. I'm just kicking myself right now for buying it.


Keep it! I haven't had an ick breakout since I set it up. Make sure you buy a new bulb every 12 months if not sooner.


I would vote to keep it too. My water has never looked so clear until I got it. My water before I got it was very green, in two days it cleared up my water. Just my .02 though


It has only been used for about 2 weeks. I'm gonna just wait a while before figuring out what I'm gonna do. Patience is such a key to this that I'll just have to wait :) Thanks everyone.