turbofloter1000 vs. octopus nw150


Looking to replace my seaclone 150 w/mesh mod with a better skimmer, cosidering these two after doing research. Currently have 90g fowlr lightly stocked right now,will be going in my sump....any body have any good or bad experiences with either one of these skimmers? one better than the other?


Originally Posted by mmedley
what size tank do you have? what are you keeping?
125gal plus a 45 sump.
right now its in cycle but still that thing pulled out so much in one day that it has nothing so skim right now


Active Member
what about those msx skimmers i keep hearing about? i'd look into them. the octopus is just a basic design, those msx skimmers are mesh modded and allegedly have better pumps.


I have an Octopus Pro and it's a great skimmer. Pulls out a lot of thick brown stuff and the pump is quiet.


Active Member
I would say the octo is a much better skimmer, I have heard of pump issues with the msx skimmers but they have supposedly been corrected. I think myself and Mr X are among the few ASM fans left, but I really like my ASM G3.


Active Member
yeah..ASM skimmers really get a bad rap on this forum. other forums recognize them as decent skimmers. i too, really like the G4X i use on my tank. i was thinking about adding one of those sicce pumps to it to see if it would be a massive upgrade...but otherwise, i'm not changing skimmers any time soon.
it's the same with aqua-c remoras...other forums think they are crap. this forum loves them.


Ok is there any HOB skimmers that are good ?? got 2 55 gal tanks please tell me theres someone that makes a good one