turboflotor multi SL overflow!!!


New Member
I just bought a turboflotor multi sl, and when I plug it in the collection
cup fills in about 30 seconds. The manual said that if there was a problem
with too much wet foam to reduce the length of the hose between the pump
and the skimmer which is already as short as I can make it. Adjusting the
flow control knobs doesn't help either. There is no adjustment on the airline
which is supposed to be automatic. I don't have a clue. Someone please help. :happyfish


Same thing happened to me. I hated mine for the first month or so. I would have to empty the collection cup several times a day for a week or so. One of the problems was I was new to the SW hobby and was still using Stess Coat to remove clorine from my water (no!no!). I switched to Prime and after a week or so it calmed down (now use nothing but RO, another thread). Also you want the pump as close to the water line in your sump as you can get it. Mine ran best with the top edge of the pump at the water line. This wasn't a problem as I always top off daily. I have found that it runs much better in sump. Also there is a mod you can do to the air intake that help greatly. After the skimmer breaks in (week or so) and you get it leveled off as far as the collection cup goes, remove the silencer from the air line, drill out the air venturi on the intake side of the pump and switch to 1/4" tubing. Worked wonders for mine! Hope any of this helps.


New Member
Thanks for the info, but I don't know if we have the same problem. My collection cup fills up within 30s or 1min if I plug it in from so much wet foam. I have my pump as close to the surface as I can get it, which is still 3 inches or so from the surface. I have mine hanging on the tank as I don't have a sump. I took an air valve off of an old sea clone that I had and placed it on the air intake just to restrict the air volume enough that I could run it for a while which dumps loads of microbubbles into the tank, but it does allow it to run without overflowing. I don't use ro as I'm new to saltwater, but I have checked my water source which is very low in phosphates. I have been using aquasafe water conditioner(is this acceptable, or not) for protein skimming? Any further advice appreciated.


Many skimmers actually have a break-in period, maybe your going though yours. Mine did the same thing as you've described above. As far a being 3" below the surface, mine wouldn't make any consistant foam till the top edge was at or very near the water line. I realize that doesn't help in your case but was just telling you what I found in my experience. Hopefully someone else will be able to give some more advise.