Turboflotor Skimmer Collection cup filling.


When i plug in my turboflotor multi SL skimmer, all it does is overflow wil bubbles. i have paid 300 dollars for this and in my 1 year of having it could NEVER get it to work!! Heres a video of whats going on!
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Well my skimmer you can adujust the amount of bubbles and if you have too much bubbles it just overflows and dosn't work properly it just takes out too much water. Im not sure what your problem is though, but why let it do that for one year?


No i mean for 1 year i have been trying to get it to work with no success.. and i cannot return it. so i need to get this bad boy to work!


I see it now thats way too much bubbles and shouldn't go up that fast and it looks like thats a lot of water with those bubbles. Read if you can adjust it some where. Maybe theres not enough stuff in the water to take any thing out cause some days my skimmer gets stuff and other days it just spins around catching nothing.


Well if the air intake has nothing to control it, its takeing too much air in proablly. Im new to this but this is my experience with my two small skimmer I had. let me show you a picture of mine.


I have another skimmer (cheapy) its a prizm.. and that seems to work FINE! collection lots. but still i know that this is a better skimmer, and i would rather have this one working.


I watched the video again and thats way too much water going to the top. Maybe some one with a skimmer like that can help you cause Im kind of useless cause I never had one like that before.


The silencer comes off of that tube. What is on the end of your tube, is that an air variator? did you buy ti seperate from your skimmer?


It came with it. Its just a plug which you can push all the way in and stop all the air so the skimmer is off or it can be pulled out more to get more bubbles. Your skimmer might be diffrent I don't know if the big ones work diffrent.


If thats just a regular air tube you can buy a control for it for very cheap and try to slow down the air to see if that works.


New Member
I have a turboflotor and I can make it do what your does in the video. BTW, I don't have any adjustment on my air intake line.
With the turboflotor you really just have 2 or 3 adjustment you can make.
One is thing that affects the hieght or rise of the water is how much of the skimmer is below water.
Then you have three adjustment you can make. One is the valve on the water coming into the skimmer, mine has a grey valve that came built into the inlet water pipe. If you turn this off completely it should not rise at all. You will need to just play with this depending on how much water pressure you have coming in.
Then you have two grey valves built into the two outlet tubes, you need to twist and pull up on these to see which way the opening point (remove them). Then just pust them back in and adjust right to left on both of them till you get a water level steady on the side of the cone, but not overflowing into the collection cup. If you can't stop this overflow, with these 3 adjustment you have something plumbed wrong.
BTW I have the older RIO 2100 pump on mine, not the newer oceanrunner.
But when you do get it right, it will need some break-in time .
Just wondering where is your water coming into skimmer from? gravity of a overflow?


ohh maybe you think that this is inside a sump or sumthing, its not. that video was taken as my skimmer is being hung-on.


Active Member
I have one did the same thing..
Two places to look...
1. Pump too dep in sump try raising the pump, may have to shorten the intake pipe
2. They used to sell/option a restrictor for the pump inlet less water to balance air...looks like a little plastic bushing...
If the pump is too deep, the water pressure reduces the amount of air the venturi can introduce..by raising the pump/lowering the pressure, more air-less water won't overfill cup...or by restricting pump inlet, it "sucks" harder pulling more air in...
Either way (or both) will reduce the problem you are showing...