Turboflotor Skimmer Collection cup filling.


I went to home depot and baught a ball valve to regulate how much waterANDair goes into the skimmer. Now, i hooked the ball valve up to the pump that pumps the water and air into the skimmer. Whats happening now, is that the water and bubble ARE NOT overflowing the spout to the cup (
) But there is not NEARLY as many bubbles as there were before, will this matter? Also, with the valve, the pump is all the way at the BOTTOM of the tank, Does this matter?


New Member
If you have it half way up, you should be good. Now you need to give it time to break-in (or get gunky). and make fine adjustments with the input or output of the water.
Mine is in my sump not a hang on model, so think could be a little different.
Like I said before I have not restriction on air comming into the skimmer. So you might leave the air valve you added open for now. And just make slight adjustment to the input & output of the water going thru.
Also if you have to much water flowing through the skimmer, it's not going to have time to do it's thing. So you might need to restrict some more of the water coming in, and at the same time block more of the water leaving the skimmer with those two valve on the output to raise the water level back up in the collector cup.


Ok, well after installing that ball vavle, i realized after i close off enougth water with the vavle, the air stops sucking in! So.. this may sound insane.. but i have an AIR PUMP pumping AIR into the skimmer pump, and the water level is GREAT! and its producing sum nast lookin stuff, so it think we have done it! :joy: