turbos on their backs???


I just got my first order from SWF.com (great quality stuff). I completed the "drip" method and just put them into my tank. I noticed that most of the turbo snails were clumped together when I put them in the tank (which I have read is normal). Should I worry that many of them ended up on their back?
On a similar note, my peppermint shrimp hit the water and took off behind some rocks...wonder if I will ever see him again? I am going to order a few more in my next order...so at least it will increase my chances of seeing one.
Thanks to all that helped me set this up!


Active Member
You can tip them back over. Some snails seem to have a tough time doing this.
The peppermint will be much more active at night and when it gets used to the tank will venture out for food. Having more than one also makes them braver.


Active Member
LOL we are having the same experience today. as i just got my crew today also. my peppermints are hiding under a rock now and snail & hermits are seperating slowly, i am leary aout a few of them but lets give it a day or two. gl ;)


when I first purchased my mexican turbos they were clumped up in a ball. They eventually break apart. Sometimes my snails fall over but usually they are my Astrea snails. Just keep in eye on them. Some cant get back up and will eventually starve.:(


Active Member
whats going on with your clean up crew? mine is not doing to well, the crabs are leaving there shell and dying :(
most snails seem ok, and peppermints i am not sure, i usually see 1, and the other 2 are still in hiding


Active Member
Cindy- are you sure they did not molt, it is very common for newly introduced crabs and shrimp to molt in the first week. The molts look completely like a crab that came out of its shell, unless you are finding crab shells that are empty then they may just be molting.


Active Member
gee, i dont know if it is a molt then, looks like crab to me :)
i did see a bristle worm eating one, would he have eaten a molt?
also, the ones in the shells are not moving & eating like they did the first day. they just find a hole in a rock and sit in it and dont move. this is not even on the messy rock! i dont know how to tell if they are dead or alive, they are just sitting there :confused: :confused:


Active Member
i know they are difficult to make out
this guy has been sitting on his shell for 2 days not and has not budged.


Received my order from SWF and everything was great but my red hermit crabs.They all died within 8 hours.Bought some blue hermit crabs and they lived. Dont have an answer.


Active Member
lol, clean your keyboard :D
thanks for the info, swf wants me to take out the dead ones and freeze them and send them back.
actually, no they are not expensive, but i ordered 40! so it does add up:mad: