Turnicate? Sponge? Pretty cool whatever it is.


So heres a green thing that I think may be a sponge of some sort. if so should I shade it? Does it need anything to eat.



Active Member
Always had a question about sponges? what do they eat? Mine popped up out of nowhere and i have no idea whats fueling it but its growing at an alarming rate, its not growing out of the rock but over it if it was the other i wouldnt worry but I dont want it suffocating my corals.


Active Member
I wouldnt worry about looking for something to eat that sponge. in the maturation of a tank your tank looks relatiovely young to me. its most likley just a phase that will pass as your tank ages. even if it grows well now chances are it will slow or die off. and getting something to eat that which might be only a phase would be a drastic mistake (such as an angel in a 55g LOL)


Originally Posted by reefkprZ
I wouldnt worry about looking for something to eat that sponge. in the maturation of a tank your tank looks relatiovely young to me. its most likley just a phase that will pass as your tank ages. even if it grows well now chances are it will slow or die off. and getting something to eat that which might be only a phase would be a drastic mistake (such as an angel in a 55g LOL)
Oh no angle. and its in a new 12 gal nano. I figure it'll be gone soon. It already looks smaller.


I found this purple thing, is it a sponge also?
I got a bottle of stuff called trace elements and used a tiny bit as per instructions and now my sponge seems to be coming back to life and I also saw this purple thing. Just wonderin if it is a sponge?
Thank you!
