Turning 30... good or bad thing?


I had a rough time with 31 more than 30. 30 was 30 but 31 was "In my thirties". I turn 35 on Tuesday.
The best present I could receive this year would be that "One for the thumb" Go Steelers!!! :cheer:


Active Member
ur an old !-#$ lol no jk i call my mom old 43 lol thats pretty young im 14yrs younger though.lol


Active Member
30 was pretty bad for me for some reason. I can't remember why. I thought 40 was going to the worst, but it actually did not bother me that much at all when it finally arived last year. I'm in good shape and I still have all my hair.

Money was much better in my 30's also and getting better all the time. I have a nice collection of toys in the garage now that I make a nice living. I don't miss the days of being broke. No more financing cars or credit card balances. Just a

and monthly expenses.

cats eye

Im a 21 year old female and I don't think that 30 is old at all, your still in your prime, have fun, don't waste it being upset because you are getting older, its awesome, think about it, you have 9 more years of wisdom under your belt than me and probably alot more money too. Honestly, I really don't think that 30 is old, alot my friends date 30 year olds and they're alot of fun. It doesn't matter how old you are, just how old you act.


Active Member
You know how some say, "I'm as fit(or whatever) as a man/woman half my age."
If ya think about it, until you reach 36, there aren't any "MEN/Women" half your age.
And a strong case could be made for 42, as there are still some things you can't do until 21.

Ya'll have a nice day. :joy:


Active Member
Originally Posted by Madswife
Look at the bright side. Once you become 35 you can run for president!!!

This is a good point.
Here's the main dilemna... I think the 30's will be great. I KNOW my 20's were a blast. My main problem is that no one asked me if I'm ready to put this decade behind me. Someone should have asked me my opinion on the subject... don't ya think?


Ok, so what is the alternative. To NOT turn 30? God gives you the gift of life everyday. You get to try again to live up to expectations, and you get a clean slate to do it everyday. Make the most of it. Lying in bed all day because you are day older is a waste of time, and an insult to your maker. Get out of bed and Do something for someone else. I guarantee you will feel better. Age is a number. Live you LIFE, honestly, morally, and do something for others. You will stop worrying about your AGE, and start enjoying each and every day. :cheer:


Active Member
Originally Posted by Aquarium1
Lying in bed all day because you are day older is a waste of time, and an insult to your maker. Get out of bed and Do something for someone else. I guarantee you will feel better.
Who's lying in bed all day? (Sounds great though). Thanks for the response but I think you missed the tone of the thread. This is a light-hearted discussion about getting older. I am very happy with my life... just a little nostalgiac for the decade that is soon to be over.


Active Member
This goofy thread keeps coming up so I voted in hopes it would go away (along with the "do ya like my bimmer" thread)
I'm over 30 and it's a blast.
I now have the money to do the things I wish I could have done 10 yrs ago, only now those things aren't fun anymore. Don't worry about 30, you're only a day older than you were yesterday anyway.
I was too lazy to read any posts in this thread so if I repeated anybody please disregard my post and have a nice day.
oh yeah
Happy Birthday ya geiser!


Active Member
Ain't no thing Crimzy! I turned 40 this year! Your as old as you think you are!
Besides everything gets better with age!

Happy B-day!
