Turning Tim (sump questions)


Tim I thought I'd start another since my last post was getting of the initial idea.
Heres my plan:
55g (48 x 13 x 21) sump under my 100g dt
right intake into sump (will hold p.s., and phos-ban reactor will flow into this area). This section will be as small as possible (hopefully 17"). Will also have filter floss, in a sock from tubes, to elimiante large particles.
middle refugium with sand bed and macro algae, maybe mangrove. Would like this section to be about 18"
left pump area around 10" to give extra space so evaporation isn't as noticeable.
In my calculations for backwash (during poweroutages) I would need 4.25 inches. I had planned on making the baffles about 16 inches high. with 1.5" seperating them.
I will make these out of glass. Is there a particular type or thickness I ask for when I go to get it cut?
What type of glue would you use for the glass?
Also where would you put live rock rubble?
Any other additions to the refugium?


New Member
I just made a 45 gal under my 90 dt. I used 1/4" glass and silicone I for adhesion (some discrepancies on silicone I, use aquarium safe DAP if you feel the need). For the rock rubble, I put large and medium rocks in the fuge and small rock i used to break up MB's from the drainage. I used a 4" pipe with some drainage slots on the bottom, and filled it up with the small RR. The water runs in from the top and small bubbles turn into big bubbles and rise up. I used to have a microbubble drainage problem, but after i did this it's only coming from the skimmer so i must of done something right. 16" does sound high for baffs tho, but if you do it just make sure you have an idea to build a stand for skimmer. I would def. make sure you have double the amount of room for power outage, especially if you're running at ATO float switch like i am. I have enough for power outage, ATO failure, and about 2-3 gallons left over.


Active Member
Sounds good. I would take maybe another 1/2" off the baffles just to be safe. Glass should be 3/16"-1/4". Use 100% silicone to glue in place. Some folks have use a GE window and door product (not sure which one) but I just get AGA sili (aqarium safe) from my lfs. If they don't have it you can order on-line. I would put a small amount of LR in the fuge to reproduce pods and critters. These will be shot up to the DT and free food for the fish! Keep the sand bed under 2" no need for more.
Yep! Good point! You need to find out how much water your skimmer can orperate in. You may have to make a small stand out of eggcrate (light diffuser) to get it at its proper height.