Turnover Rate


What would be an optimal turnover rate for a 90 gallon reef tank? I have a built in overflow. From my research it seems like 15X-20X a hour but that seems kinda high. :confused:
Any insight?


Nas what size of tubeing you have to go to your sump? Do you have more than 1? I tried putting my 900 gph but my single 1" pvc pipe couldn't keep up with it. Display tank was starting to over flow.


Active Member
Your return from the sump will be "limited" to what your overflow can "take out"....But you can "supplement and add flow with powerheads and/or a Closed Loop system...
"I" think (JMHO) that 10X is "minimal" for FO...and 20X should be a "Goal" for reef...with Many people now pushing 30 X in their tanks and having good/better results...:yes:


The goal of 20x is that just from the return pump? My return pump is only 10x should I add another overflow? But if thats includeing my powerheads then I'm at 21.8. and getting ready to add another maxijet 1200.


Active Member
You can create your turnover "either" way...All from sump return or sump and "supplemental" (powerheads and/or Closed Loop)..
At a certain point it becomes advantagous to split the flow between sump and supplemental...Due to overflow "limitations" or sump size "turbulance" issues...
But if thats includeing my powerheads then I'm at 21.8. and getting ready to add another maxijet 1200.
That "counts"...:yes:


Active Member
Yeah, you want most of your flow coming from something like a closed loop or powerheads. Trying to put that much flow through the sump is too much of a PITA.
FWIW, I turn my tank over 40x per hour and I'm looking for more.


I believe the AGA overflow is rated for 600 gph but My little giant external pump is flowing 770 gph. The line from the tank to the sump is 1 1/4" OD the line from the pump to the tank is 1" OD. So right now i am at 8.5X. If I run a closed loop system on the tank where would the best place for the intake be? Drilling is not an option.


Active Member
If drilling is "not an option" then OTT is the way to go...
Saw your other thread...don't put it in the overflow...


Okay so over the top was the other option but what about the risk of sucking in livestock, etc... If I put it in the overflow it would suck it dry. So where then? I'm going to either run the squid or 4 way from oceansmotions off of the lil giant 770 gph pump or on a new separate pump in a closed loop.


Active Member
Put a "screen" on the input...just like a powerhead...
That'll keep the fish safe...I'm "sucking 1250 gph through one now..haven't lost a fish yet...:)


what made you choose the squid OM over the 4 way
what would you do in my situation? Also can you briefly tell me how the skimmer would be plumbed in and give me direction on what type would be good on my tank?


Active Member

Originally posted by TurboCav250
what made you choose the squid OM over the 4 way...
I chose the "Squirt" from OM over the 4 way because the rate of flow was <1000gph, if it were more that 1500gph I would have used the bigger unit.
what would you do in my situation?...
At 770gph or "around that" I would still go with the Squirt
Also can you briefly tell me how the skimmer would be plumbed in...
Run the skimmmer "in sump" not direct feed

and give me direction on what type would be good on my tank?...
Euro Reef CS6-2 or CS6-2+


Don't forget that turnover becomes less from:
the farther the pump has to push the water,
the more corners (90 degree joints, 45 etc) water has to go through,
how thick the tubing is
Just thought I would add that.


Thanks benj I didn't really think about that. I just placed an order for the Oceansmotions 4-way. Im going to run a 1800 gph pump through the 4 way on a closed loop with the intake of the pump near the overflow and have 2 of the outlets facing the front of the tank and 2 facing the back. Here is a picture of what I hope to acheive,
scroll halfway down to hammerhead's post:
I'm also going to have the sump return (770 gph pump) return straight out from the overflow to the front of the tank. I'm not sure though because this will be the only return that doesn't change it will always output in the same direction at the same speed.
Any recomendations?


I don't think it would really be a bid deal as you have it switching from 4 different directions already. If you really wanted to I suppose you could put a SCWD on the sump return and it will switch between the two outlets on that by itself, but that might be more work than it is worth, since you have the 4 already.
Or maybe you could have it come out a spraybar to spread the flow around more.