Turtle Grass


Active Member
Originally Posted by louti
I would imagine it is not legal to harvest. You can get fined for damaging it with a boat.
That would be very much correct. You can't even collect the half dead stuff that washes up on the beach. A turtle you do see for sale, is either illegally collected, or from overseas.
A substitute would be Caulerpa prolifera, which appears similar, and is much hardier then actual turtle grass.


Well-Known Member
Yes you can buy turtle grass.
From what I hear turtle grass requires high lighting plus very deap substrate rich in organics. So I have not have much luck with it.
Caulerpa profilera does very well especially with lower lighting. Grape caulerpa seems to need higher lighting. On the down side macros like caulerpas are attacked by clearner crew (crabs) and fish. At first I could not get them established in sufficient quantities to bring down nitrates and phosphates. But after I protected them in a refugium both nitrates and phosphates did drop down.
just my .02


Active Member
It can be hard to find turtle grass and what not this time of the year.
Turtle grass is HARD to grow IME. Indeed the substrate has to be super thick.... thicker than I like it.


I thought the general feeling of the Caulerpa family is NOT to have it in a tank unless lit 24/7 (due to is going sexual) , or by people more familiar with the species to know what to look for to prevent a crash. Though I never had an issue with it, I kept in in my fuge under a 24/7 light schedule. I know I have seen various macro available that look similar to some of the Caulerpa families, but weren't actual Caulerpa...I just forget off the top of my head what they were.
okay the reason i ask is my girlfriend wont let me get rid of our bahama star(thing eats coral
) so i decided to make a tank for it with just substrate and turtle grass to model its habitat, i think i could work out nicely