

Active Member
I only know of one type of marine turtle and it gets HUGE. Not to mention, I believe the green sea turtle is on the endangered species list.
And I don't think freshwater turtles would do well in a saltwater aquarium... so my answer is no.


The Six Flags in Ohio, that used to be Sea World, has a large sea turtle in their shark exhibit. Its amazing to watch!


Active Member
Every sea turtle species that I know of is an endangered species, and they all get quite big (seems that there are too many predators for them to stay small!)
I can't see a turtle, or any other reptile species doing well in anything but a very large marine tank.
My LFS has a turtle in a 20 long salt tank. The dude that works there said some kid found it and brought it in because he was not allowed to have it. He said the kid kept it in a freshwater tank, but he found it at the beach. So the guy put it in a saltwater tank and has been feeding it feeder fish. He piled liverock up so the turtle could crawl on top and bask under the lights, but he spends most of his time under the water. The LFS has had it for a couple of months and it hasn't shown much growth.


Turtles in a marine tank, not a good idea. Hawksbill and others all get very large. They have two Hawksbill's in the Aquarium at Epcot center in Orlando that are in the 4 ft range and who knows what they weigh. And yes they are awsome. As others said, most are also endangered and considered to be a delicacy in far to many parts of the world.
Bonermeister, as for the LFS I would be curious, I thought most marine turtles only left the water to lay eggs. But if he does have one, he should really consider calling the closest aquarium so that it gets the care it needs.



Originally posted by ScottNJ
Bonermeister, as for the LFS I would be curious, I thought most marine turtles only left the water to lay eggs. But if he does have one, he should really consider calling the closest aquarium so that it gets the care it needs.

Agreed, I don't know of any sea turtles that aren't endangered. A precious creature like that should be taken care of by a place that can properly and legally take care of it.


in my city there is a company that makes big show aquariums for hotels, restaurants and big companies etc... anyway they have a sea turtle in a pretty big tank. Tank is probably about 3000gal or bigger? dont think it can be smaller. Ok ok i m not sure. Its great fun to watch it. Its in the same tank w/ some naso sp. turtle dives first and probably in a 15 or 30mins it goes up and slashes water from its nose like whales do.
Anyway yes they are endangered and IMO you shouldnt keep them :(
but imagine a sea turtle in your 3000gal full-reef tank a sea turtle is laying on your sand and let your cleaner shrimps, cleaner wrasses and other small fish to clean it for 15 mins then a big school of powder blue tang w/ some achilles in the group is passing on them, then... :D
It isn't a sea turtle. It doesn't have flippers, it has terrestrial feet. In fact, I think it may be a freshwater snapping turtle.



Originally posted by Bonermeister
It isn't a sea turtle. It doesn't have flippers, it has terrestrial feet. In fact, I think it may be a freshwater snapping turtle.

I wonder if it might just be brackish (sp?). I imagine some of the turtles around Florida must cope with changing salinity levels

tru conch

Active Member
it could be a diamond back terp., which lives in brackish water. does it have a blue tint to its skin and black spots on the skin as well?
im not a 100% sure but the diamondback terp used to be on the endangered species list, but i am not sure if they are still on it.


I dont know the scientific name but we have huge Alligator Snappers around here which often move through salt water. They dont live there permanently but they use it for travel.
As to have the saltwater versions they get huge and you need a special permit to keep them, My friend rehabilitates young ones in her tanks, those that turtle watch people rescue from birds and such which are injured in some way such as torn flippers ect.