Tusk combo


I have a tank setup with a Miniatus grouper and two eels, and have had it like this way for quite a while. My LFS has a hareliquin tusk about the same size as my grouper (5 inches), and i was wondering if this was something that i'd be able to keep with him. I know my groupers an aggressive fish and will most likely bully him until he stays out of his areas, but i wasn't sure if the tusk being similar size will cause him to feel threatened enough that he never calms down. What makes me think this combo might work is my grouper tends to stick entirely to the caves while the tusk from what i understand is a free swimming fish, which would keep the two fish in separate territories. I know these fish would eventually need a bigger setup as they get older and I've got money set aside (about $1,500) for that, but with my fish being so small I'm too concerned yet. My main concern is mostly whether they could exist together. I'm open to any advice about this combo or a free swimming fish that I could keep with my grouper.


Active Member
If your profile is current and your tank is a 75; I wouldn't add anything, certainly not an HT---they need room and security. I'd bet your grouper would consider the whole tank his territory and not tolerate anything.


Active Member
I agree with the above, in all but very large tanks groupers are difficult due to their aggressiveness. Tusks are very docile despite their tough looks, they also grow much slower than groupers and I think you would be asking for trouble with that combo.


Yeah I'm not going to do it. I might actually trade in my grouper when I upgrade to a 150, because from what I'm reading it seems like it's going to be difficult to keep anything at all with him.


Active Member
i had a cherry grouper for a while ,in a 150 .he beat my 6 inch wrasse to death and ate my lionfish that was 2/3 his size.
brought him back to the store.
i now have a tusk 6 inches long very doctile,all he does is hides all day and comes out once the lights are off.
only had him for a few weeks so i hope he starts coming out more often.


Active Member
I had a Miniatus kill a Tusk in a 75g. I wouldn't do it.
Tusks are wusses and groupers don't play well with others.


Yeah I think i kinda over estimated how tough tusks are but based on what you guys are saying it's not going to work. I'm just going to wait until I upgrade then get an equally tough trigger to put with my grouper so things (hopefully) balance out. Thinking maybe a volitan too if anyone thinks that might work?