Tusk pic


Tried to get his teeth, but he is a little shy right now. He keeps moving, so it is a little blurry.


He is in a 125 FOWLR. I also have a 4" koran Angel, and 4 blue damsels. 1 CBS, and a cleaner shrimp. There was a 5" yellow tang, but took him out, he was to aggressive. He was in there for about 2 years.


Active Member
Man, that is strange then. If it was Philipino, I was sure it was cyanide, but an Aussie? Those guys are usually really tough. Did you see any signs of disease? Bo


no, after about a week he just stopped eating.... once that happened I knew he was a gonner.... I would think if my water was bad my unicorn tang or one of my leopards would be the first to go..... I am probably going to order another one once I move my 2 giant sgt majors to my works tank.

Originally posted by Grouperhead
Man, that is strange then. If it was Philipino, I was sure it was cyanide, but an Aussie? Those guys are usually really tough. Did you see any signs of disease? Bo

:( I find this true since I had one that was not an aussie and it did not last long in my tank while others did.


I had a tusk once. Could not resist the colors.
It mad it 4 month. I read and was told that these fish live at deeper deapths and usually do not do well in captivity.
Plus I can't stand it anymore. What does Bo mean?!

Originally posted by Phil1964
Plus I can't stand it anymore. What does Bo mean?!

I do believe it is his name :)
I had a tusk for about a year. Then my large hermit caught him at night and ate him. That hermit got put in with my buddies large queen trigger. It was a fitting fate for that hermit.
I did, I havent seen one around here since. But like i said i had a little satisfaction when that queen trigger went to work.
I would/will get another if one shows up , and i have a tank he can go in to.



Originally posted by RedTang
Tried to get his teeth.

Dont harlequin tusks have like blu teeth or sumtihn? i remem
er at an lfs a guy fed one a guppy and i was amazed at its teeth