Twin spot goby



Anyone recommend keeping a twinspot goby in a nano cube? I have a 14gal. I wanted to keep one to keep my sand stirred well. I wanted to know if anyone recommends it?


Originally Posted by yerboy
you have to have really fine sand "sugar sizes"
I have small size sand but are they capable to keep? or are they like mandarians? I want to be able to feed them mysis shrimp without a problem.


Twin spots, or "four wheel drive gobies" are just as difficult as Mandarins in my opinion, I considered them for my 24 but they are just too sensative and need the pods.
Go for a yellow watchman, I have a mated pair in my 24 and they are AWESOME, one would do fine in a 14, mine eat mysid shrimp like CRAZY.


Originally Posted by rbrockm1
i am confused, do you want ot keep it with other gobies or what?
yeah i want to keep it with other gobies. I want a sand sifting goby to keep my sand stirred because algae is growing on the sandbed.


Active Member
Bad choice for a nano..twin spot gobies all die. You do not want a sandsifter, you want sand shifters. Sandsifters sift the sand for the infauna, and no nano would have enough to support one. Get a few nassarius snails and step up your water changes. Is it cyanobacteria or what kind of algae?


Originally Posted by promisetbg
Bad choice for a nano..twin spot gobies all die. You do not want a sandsifter, you want sand shifters. Sandsifters sift the sand for the infauna, and no nano would have enough to support one. Get a few nassarius snails and step up your water changes. Is it cyanobacteria or what kind of algae?
First it was green algae/lots of hair algae and now growing over it is brown algae. I have enough flow, justtoo much algae, my phosphate shows 0. I also have a phosphate remover as well but nothing is helping. Have lots of snails as well. For some reason I am having problems with my snails. They do not move much during the day, they usually eat algae at night. I dont know if the metal halides causes them light shock because they do not move at all. Some even died. ( I do acclimate them 15minutes before I introduced them into my tank, but still no luck)


Also, I have been doing water changes on time. The Ph is also gets low to around 7.8 every night. I dont know why. I keep adding stable Ph 8.2 and the Ph would stable to 8.2 then by couple of hours drop.My Alk is high and my Calcium is at 23drops which is close to 420ppm. STILL NO LUCK!! I wonder if that is what is causing the snails to die.


Well-Known Member
pH drop during the night is normal. The photosynthesizing organisms in the tank produce carbon dioxide in the dark. Carbon dioxide combines with water to form carbonic acid, which lowers the pH. During the day carbon dioxide is used up, so the pH rises.


Originally Posted by eyebedam
Heres a good nano goby for ya.

ive got one of those guys in a 20 gallon. Hes awesome when i can see him. He hides in this one cave i have an i rarely ever see it. Still a great fish though; and he eats like a pig.
It has a much bigger mouth that you would think for such a small fish. .


I know There mouths are huge to be so small. Mine stayed out & hovered all the time. If you notice the big mushrooms in the corner of the pic, my little goby became food for the shroom about 4 months back. I really liked that fish & would like to get another.