Originally Posted by promisetbg
Bad choice for a nano..twin spot gobies all die. You do not want a sandsifter, you want sand shifters. Sandsifters sift the sand for the infauna, and no nano would have enough to support one. Get a few nassarius snails and step up your water changes. Is it cyanobacteria or what kind of algae?
First it was green algae/lots of hair algae and now growing over it is brown algae. I have enough flow, justtoo much algae, my phosphate shows 0. I also have a phosphate remover as well but nothing is helping. Have lots of snails as well. For some reason I am having problems with my snails. They do not move much during the day, they usually eat algae at night. I dont know if the metal halides causes them light shock because they do not move at all. Some even died. ( I do acclimate them 15minutes before I introduced them into my tank, but still no luck)