Two 130Watt Pendant Metal Halides


New Member
HELP! I have installed two pendant metal halides above my 72 gallon bowfront. Currently I have them over open water, as I took off the glass tops. I hope this will resolve some of the intense rust color algae that I have been getting. The water has a golden hew, it looks nasty. I did do a water and filter change. I have been running both light a min. of 12hrs a day since installation. Do I need additional light? Less Light? These lights are from Coral Life.......and weren't cheap! :cheer:


What kalven rating are the bulbs they sounds like 10000k or less you would also need Blue Atenics with those lights for coral need it or Kalven rating above 14000k will be a more blue light the yellow.


New Member
My sellers says "The two lights should provide adequate light for the corals" and all I know is my tank is rusty looking.....


Active Member
Those lights should be fine for a reef tank but not the problem with the algea. The algea is caused by unwanted nutriants in your water. Do you use RO/DI filtered water when topping off and doing water changes or do you use tap water or water from a LFS ?


Active Member
IMO not good. Tap water normaly has phosphates and metals that the " fix alls " dont fix and dehumidfiers trap dust ect. and is collected on metal plates, normally copper, that leak into the water as well. Dont know alot about the DHs but I think I read what I just said here in another thread befor. Maybe someone else can chime in on them.