Two Angelfish?


here are a couple and i have posted a thread under my office aquarium with more pics...dont want to hijak this thread...

I have kept A flame and a coral beauty without incident. My angels do not hide but swim throught my 65gal rock work. i intro them at same time and all is good. My Scopas tang rules the roost LOL


Originally Posted by raedyaghnam
here are a couple and i have posted a thread under my office aquarium with more pics...dont want to hijak this thread...
Nice tank, I wish that I could have a goldflake angel, I have a passer and a majestic and a lemonpeel angel together, here is a picture of my angels.
I can't really get a good shot of the lemonpeel he moves to fast.



Originally Posted by redman1221
Nice tank, I wish that I could have a goldflake angel, I have a passer and a majestic and a lemonpeel angel together, here is a picture of my angels.
I can't really get a good shot of the lemonpeel he moves to fast.
Very nice!!!! how is the passer? is he agressive??? and what sump are you running??


Originally Posted by raedyaghnam
Very nice!!!! how is the passer? is he aggressive??? and what sump are you running??
Thanks, only if I try to add another angel, I tried to add a blueface angel and he killed it, so now I know not to add any more angels. The sump is a Pro Clear Aquatic System it is working for me right now, but I will be re-plumbing my system when I get a chance.