Two Angels


New Member
I have a friend who has a flame angel and a coral beauty in the same 150 gallon tank. I always thought this was impossible…has anybody else put two angels in the same tank? Is there a special technique? He said he just put them in the tank and there were no problems.


I have a Bicolor and a flame in a 55g. they get along great. I added them at the same time when they were small around 2 inches.
I think the key was adding them at the same time and they are not similar in color pattern.


Active Member
Originally Posted by hot883
Still NOT advised, but has worked for a few members.
I disagree, I think in a largish reef system its a low risk.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Dogstar
I disagree, I think in a largish reef system its a low risk.
Ok, true but the average person on here is just going to see, "Hey, I can have 2" in a small tank then there are 2 more dead angels. :notsure: I have a pygmy and a queen juvi in my 125. Would I recommend my entire fish list, NO! Barry


Active Member
The poster asked about a 150g.....asked if that is possible and if its been done......and about a technique.
So I answered, this sounds like a hobbiest thats searching for answers, not someone to scare them.....the poster said that they heard its impossible, may have heard that here too.


New Member
I'm glad to hear its been done. Do you think my friend should watch for some specific behaviour or should he assume they'll be fine since there haven't been problems? He's had them in the tank for severl months, do problems start later in life?


Active Member
IME, if the system has lots of live rock for shelter and grazeing, then they should be fine. There will always be an occational meeting where the Flame will/might chase the CB in to the rocks but not follow it in, in an attemp to injure, in larger tanks they are not near each other so much anyway. Over time, my CB began to stand its ground and the Flame is much more tolorant.
I would worry if the '' system '' is established and healthy enough for them more than about compatability. Many Centropyge sp. do not survive long due to those ( and tank size
) kinds of issues. Several months does not mean they are home free, but its a good sign.


New Member
Originally Posted by ptrant
I'm glad to hear its been done. Do you think my friend should watch for some specific behaviour or should he assume they'll be fine since there haven't been problems? He's had them in the tank for severl months, do problems start later in life?

I had a coral beauty and a flame angel before I found out I probably shouldn't. I added them both at the same time, and they were fine for the first, probably 3 months. Then the flame started chasing the coral beauty all over the tank, he soon started really picking on him.