Two dead fish


in two days (Green Chromis). Water params are:
NO2 -0
NO3 - 0
Amonia - 0
PH - 8.1
Alk - Normal
SG - 1.025
Temp 86.
6 Green Chromis were added on 6/13.
Temp is high, but has been high for weeks. Heat Stress? Will work on bringing down temp.
Had bad algea bloom so I reduced lighting from 12 hours to 8 hours. Also reduced feeding to every third day.
Any comments?


Oh yeah, all the fish ate fine yesterday, and the remaing fish in the tank look and act normal today. The dead fish didn't appear to look any different (no wierd spots, etc).


Well-Known Member
I added 5 green chromis when i was cycling my 55g. one died the next day and three died 5 days later. The last one has lasted 5 months. I agree with your feeding every three days. I think my tank was still alittle unstable in nitrItes and ph. perhaps others can give feedback.


Active Member
I have had no luck at all with Green Chromis. I lost 5 in total in a fully cycled mature tank.
If the tank is cycling then this could be why. If not then it could be just one of those things.


interesting... i thought they were hardy buggers... I had an ich attach and it didnt faze any of my chromis....
and come to think of it, i wish it had instead of my other fish.:rolleyes: ... they tend to be very agressive compared to my other fish. they dont seem to attack any of the other fish, but they do well with the survival of the fittest thing during feeding time.
I wouldnt worry too much about it. you have a new tank and that is just what happens in a new tank... this is why so many suggest not stocking a tank until it is well cycled and then only to stock it very slowly.
give it some time (2 months or so)... let your tank stabalize with what it has in there now...


Well-Known Member

Originally posted by tlk
This is in an ESTABLISHED tank.

just out of curosity what is in the tank?


hmmm..interesting. Anyone know why my signature isn't showing up? Here is a copy of what I see for my signature.
75 Gal
4x65 pc
110w pc
Emperor 400 Filter
2 Power Head (300 gph)
80lbs LR
40lbs "CaribSea Aragonite"
4 Green Chromis
2 Yellow tail blue Damsels
1 Yellow Tang
4 Green Mushrooms
1 large Cabbage Leather
4 Turbo Snails


Well-Known Member

Originally posted by tlk
hmmm..interesting. Anyone know why my signature isn't showing up? Here is a copy of what I see for my signature.

they turned off all signatures a while back.
75 Gal
4x65 pc
110w pc
Emperor 400 Filter
2 Power Head (300 gph)
80lbs LR
40lbs "CaribSea Aragonite"
4 Green Chromis
2 Yellow tail blue Damsels
1 Yellow Tang
4 Green Mushrooms
1 large Cabbage Leather
4 Turbo Snails
I had several fish in my 55g and it had been running for about 3 months when i added the Chormis. Found out later the ph had fallen. now at 6 months the ph is stable. Your bioload should not be that great so possibly you got some stresses or sick fish or you conditions were not close enough the the supplier's.