Two fish are completley missing!


Ok Im a bit steamed right now....I have my fish in a 55gal QT treating ick currently in hypo. Only a couple pieces of PVC pipe in there. over the last week a firefish and now on my CLOWN fish are gone!!! they didnt jump its in small bathroom tile floor and i searched everywhere. Do you think my porc puffer ate them??? He usually doesnt touch or bother anyone in my DT this would be a great shock to me but I cant think of anything else it could be?

PS. I hate this QT hypo crap


Most likely the puffer ate them. You should never QT more than one fish at a time unless they are a mated pair. . .


damnit should I be concerned now about the other fish? I still have another clown in there they WERE a mated pair. I have Ich in the DT so I have them all in a 55 QT tank.