Two Little Fishies PhosBan Reactor 150 question


Does this device run under pressure or is it just a slow flow, the reason why Iask is because I would like to run it in-line with my UV filter which is running slow with no pressure from the pump.
Another question: Does the Rowaphos mess up the tank and drive the skimmer crazy?


Active Member
I would say there is some pressure, but not great pressure......The Rowaphos you don't want it to enter you DT, and haven't used the Rowaphos on my tank personally, but haven't read anywhere where it drives skimmers crazy


I have one and it works great!!...never have had a problem with red slime maybe you need to treat your tank with CHEMI-CLEAN that should take care of your red slime


Active Member
It depends on how much phosphates you have... when you see phosphates on your test you change it. If you have normal levels it should last for months.
PS: I am running a PhosBan 150. I put PhosBan in mine, not Rowaphos. It got my detectable phosphates to ZERO after only a week, BUT I still have cyanobacteria (red slime) after running this stuff for almost a month now. I just dosed Chemi-Clean today. I hope THIS works.

bob a.

Originally Posted by Johnic
How long do the media last before it can not absorb any more..on average ?

Phosban and rowaphos are very similar if not identical. Their advantage is that they wont leach the phosphate back if left in too long. Both would work in the reactor. I would say 4 months or more depending on what the phosphate level in the tank currently is. I have been running one for 6 months now and between it and the cheato, there isnt much of a problem with algae growth. As a matter of fact, the chaeto isnt growing all that much lately.
Chemi-clean will work on the slime, but unless you work to constantly get rid of the nutrients, it will come back.
You dont want to get any of the media in the tank. Best thing to do is flush it out before the return line goes into the tank or put it in a fine mesh bag and rinse in the sink. You could probably do pretty well by using a bag and putting the media in a hang on filter, the reactors are nice but are probably a bit overkill. As long as the media has a reasonably good water flow through it, it should work well enough.


Active Member
I think that is today's project. Take apart the reactor and put the media in a bag so I can open my valve wide open and stop stressing my pump.