Two more pictures


New Member
I just figured out how to make jpegs smaller in pixel size, so can post more images now.
This is how the new tank looks right now. Including the furry stuff!!



New Member
Two views of the 24 gallon in Legal Eagle's office.
This one has 3 damsels, a goby, a brittle starfish, two green crabs and numerous hermit crabs etc in it. They are all doing very well in there...
Legal Eagle is going to introduce some anemones and other new stuff into the tank in the next week or so. Should get interesting! :jumping:



Looks like there are alot of diatoms, or maybe cyano in the tank. What kind of flow, and lights do you have? You may want to run some tests before buying any anemones.


New Member
The flow is kinda light to medium, and the lights are the kind that come with these pre-setup cubes. 3 different lighting options, including moonlight. :thinking:
