Two new little guys



well i just got this pair a few days ago and im looking for a good anemone for there home any good ideas. my tanks is a 120 with about 110 pounds of rocks and t-5 lighting. if u have any good ideas please leave pics or links
Welcome to the boards.
Nice looking clowns. How long has your tank been running? What are your parameters(Ammonia, nitrites, nitrates, PH, Specific Gravity, Temp)? What kind of tank (FOWLR, Reef)? Just need a little background because the easiest anemones are difficult to care for especially without proper water parameters and strong lighting.


well lets see it most likley going to be fowlr and sence my tank is not at my house i cant go check the levels but they have been good for about the three years my tanks has been set up the thing is i just switched to a new filter which i like more than the old and the lighting well im not to sure about as i bought it from a local fish store but i know its 4 bulbs t-5 maybe t-8 i think but ive had anemones before i had a clarki with a bubble tip i just want something much larger this time but i also dont want anything that will eat them i paid up for those two