Two New Wartskin Anglers


Active Member
OMG...they are SO cool!! It's really fun to see updates on these guys and reports on how they're doing, probably because they're so rare in this hobby...keep us updated...toady is a cutie patootie!! :hilarious
Lisa :happyfish


New Member
Wart Face (with the spots and the most warts) is a little over 2 inches, Toady is just under 2 inches.
Anglers are not reef safe if you keep crab, shrimp, small fish and any other organism that can fit into their mouth (which can stretch about 3 times the size) Do a bit of research on anglers before you take the plunge into the hard work it takes to keep them happy. If something does go wrong, you'll most likely face the infamous "spinning of death" that anglers often do when they die, quite dramatic and heartbreaking. It took me well over a year to get my research done on these guys and so far it's paying off.