Two questions in 1..Can Mantis shrimp be kept with fish, and showme pics of lfs octop



I've heard that Manis shrimp are absolutely ruthless, and destroy ne fish u put in the tank...i heard they get them when they're sleeping.....also i was reading on one of the threads and someone told another hobbyist if they wanted somethind different and weird to get an they have aquarium sized octopus. I've NEVER seen one in any of the fish stores i've been to, and how big do these type get.

it's chuck

Yes Mantis's will kill anything you put in with them out side of maybe a thalmossa wrasse and thats only because the wrasse would eat it if were small enough. There are species of dwarf octopus that stay very small and make great pets, however they need a completely sealed aquarium because they will get out of the smallest opening. Also they only live 6 monthes to a year


New Member
I had a ugly brown mantis that was about 3" long. He made a hole in a peice of live rock and poked his head out all day. I kept him well fed, and he didnt eat my fish, I had clown, angels, and damsels.


I've seen a full grown mantis kill a 10 inch clown trigger. They are mean suckers. However, I managed to keep one in a 10 gallon with a bunch of damsels and they were fine. Just make sure the fish are fast swimmers and you might be able to pull it off.

crypt keeper

Active Member
The mantis shrimp is the most unreal creature we choose to keep. There was another thread that showed it as the fast attacking animal in the world. The way that thing hits stuff is just alien like


I think mantis get a bad rap.
I have a 6" peacock mantis and he completely ignores fish. If it doesnt have 6+legs and is crawling on the sand, he doesnt consider it food. I've seen the lawnmower blenny literally go inside of the mantis's lair and perch as a lookout while eating algae. Completely ignored him. I also have a marine betta in there with it, which has GOT to be one of the slowest, if not THE slowest fish I've ever seen. It literally hangs in one spot for 3 hours at a time without moving. Mantis (luckily) hasn't touched him or anything.
My roomate had one a while back too, and it was exactly the same way. We even went down to the beach and caught like 5 small pinfish to throw in with it to test if it would kill fish. ignored them.
I think any incedent involving a mantis shrimp (at least a "smasher" type) killing a fish is self-defence (clown trigger trying to eat it...mantis attacks back with no mercy). But who knows....maybe I just own the most chilled out mantis in the sea or something.


Active Member
I have a full cleanup crew living in my mantis tank, and the darn thing doesn't touch them. its a n. wennarae (sp?) and won't growm much more than the 3.5" it is now.
i'm considering putting in a damsel to see how it does...