Two Sharks


New Member
My brother is trying to persuade me to into buying another shark for are 125. In the tank which i think is already overstocked we have a clowntrigger about 8", a bersa trigger 3", a neon damsel 2.5" a porcupine puffer fish 4", a dog face puffer about 4" and a bannded cat shark about 8". This tank may be a little overstocked but everything gets along well and i have major filters on it(much more than needed). But what i need is someone to help me convince my brother that a horn shark does not belong in our tank.


Hey we are pretty close. I live in Peoria, but I'm in Bloomington all the time. Was actually just there yesterday. Yea, I would definitely hold off on another shark. Things seem pretty jam packed as it seems. Do you have any pics of your tank?


New Member
I have some but i cant get them work. What size tank or tanks do you have and do you have any pics?

mr hanky

i agree that its pretty well packed, but triggers and sharks are a bad situation waiting to happen. im actually suprized that a 8" clown trigger hasnt actually picked the shark to death yet. they can be pretty mean. besides that a 125 isnt big enough for 1 let alone 2 sharks for there entire life.(you might get 2-3 years out of this tank,before the 1 banded needs bigger.. just my opinion. but i also agree everybody has different luck!!. mr hanky


all of your fish cant live in a 125. the shark alone needs at least 180 gal. the clown also needs a bigger. How much filtration do you have?


New Member
I have a 150 gal wet/dry trickle with protiein skimmer 4 bio wheels powered by two powerheads each pushing 300 gal an hour. I also have a magnum 350. As far as my trigger goes it is usally pretty good i have never had any trouble with it. part of the reason i think it doesnt bothershark is because the shark hides all day and comes out at night and the trigger sleeps at night. I agree that my tank is pretty packed I will probally get rid of some fish if i encouter any problems or notice any aggression. I also have a 4 other tanks to move the smaller fish to if there is trouble.


New Member
how big a tank do you think I would need? Do you know where i could get one cheap b/c i will probally get a bigger tank in a year to accomdate my shark


I just have a 55 gal. It is a little less than 2 months old so there isn't much to it yet.. Here's pic though.. Whats your fav LFS in Bloomington? And what are some other LFS places you go to?