two wrasses together?


I currently have a small dragon wrasse along with a niger trigger, huma huma trigger, and stripped puffer. They are all still pretty small. The biggest fish is probablly the puffer who is about 3" long.
My question is if wrasses get along with other wrasses. I saw this really cool clown wrasse at the store the other day taht was calling my name. Will it mix with the dragon wrasse and other tankmates?


Active Member
I think this is another of those "depends" situations. You would need to decide what the other wrasse is going to be. Selecting one with a similar body type and coloration would probably lead to problems. Again, depending on tank size, how long the current resident was in place and adequate hiding places.
If you're thinking about putting a clown wrasse which I believe are coris' in with an aggressive wrasse like a dragon I would consider those issues. Also keep in mind that a dragon can get to foot in length as do most coris'. Good Luck and let us know what you decide on.


Thanks for the reply. I have a 72 gallon and right now everything in the tank seems to get along pretty good with each other. The dragon wrasse I have minds it own business and it's probably the least aggressive of anything in the tank.
I do understand that eventually I will have to get a bigger tank but, I think it's going to be a while since everything is still pretty small. I just didn't want to take the chance of putting another fish in the tank and having the two wrasses fight.


Active Member
I know what you mean. I've stocked similarly to you. Volitans, valentini, picasso, niger and a red coris wrasse (or yellowtail) along with a couple of eels in a 125. They're all small and it's kind of hard to imagine what they'll be like when they grow out. Although they are gorgeous, I'd be hesitant to put two large wrasses in a tank my size.
Good Luck!


Dragon wrasses can be kept with other wrasses in a large tank, but like most of the family will often attack and kill anything that resembles themselves closely.
We currently have a 7" Lunare wrasse and a 7" dragon wrass in our 300 with no problems.
The dragon wrasses, by the way have a unique idea of territory....wherever they are is their territory.
Also, be aware that you need to make sure your rockwork is REALLY secure as the dragon's other common name is "Stoneroller" wrass and they can and will move rocks and shells as large as themselves, always hoping there's a crab under that next rock.