Two years, I've been here two years



Well folks I joined this merry crew on 12-10-2002.
Man the changes I've seen here and in my own system. I remember when there were less than 10000 members here, now look at it. Several new forums.
I look back at pictures of my tank with nothing but base rock and sand in it, just sitting there cycling away. Wet/dry going full blast.
A coral here, a new fish there. I'm still a long way from where I would like to be in stocking my tank. I still think my tank can't hold a candle to some of the great tanks I've seen you members post here. Beth's, Bang's and NMreef's tanks are breath taking and modles of reef tanks to dream about as are so many of the others I've seen the members post.
Changes in my tank in two years include:
Going from 380 watts of VHO to 940 watts VHO/MH combo
Adding a 55 gallon refugium onto the 90 gallon display.
Slowly taking out the bio balls and filter floss.
Adding a few more rocks, with some that I would still like to add.
Dripping Kalkwasser
My clownfish have started mating and laying eggs, I'm still not ready for that journey yet.
Anti fish jumping grids and powerhead protectors using fine mesh plastic grids
Many other little things here and there.
All that cost money
But one of the greatest things is sharing and learning all the great saltwater information with you guys.--Priceless.
Thank you to all members, I love sharing this hobby with you.
Thank you for two great years of sharing.


i have been here a little over 2 years myself and its amazing the amount of positive changes we go through with our tanks. thanks to the vast knowledge we learn. i would like to say thanks to you because you are always willing help everyone. :)

nm reef

Active Member
...but as time passes one thing remains the is a very interesting and diverse two systems are alike and they all continue to evolve.
Congrads on the milestone thomas...hope you are around for a few more years.....:yes:


How about a before and after tank shot to go with this post Thomas? I have been here for close to a year and the changes in my tank are amazing already (i think anyway) would love to see yours after 2 years.
Contrats! :jumping:


Active Member
WOW 2 years, I remember when they made you a mod. But then I also remember when gas was a nickle a gallon the invention of rocks.
Congrats Thomas, you have helped many many people during your time.


Active Member
Hey just checked my profile and I have 2 days on you. :cheer:
:cheer: But you are light years ahead of me in knowledge.

Scott again.

tru conch

Active Member
i know i have learned (and im still continuing to learn) alot about sw and reef tanks in general thanks to this board. i know i wouldnt be anywhere close to being as proficient at keeping corals now if it wasnt for this board and its helpful members. i too remember the changes this board has gone through, and like thomas i am thankful for all of the help from the mods and the members of this board.


I have reserched and read many of your answers to other peope while trying to get answers to my own questions. Thanks for all the help you given everyone over the years.