Type of New Tank


I am moving and would like to get a new larger tank but I am unsure on what type of tank to get. I would like to have at least 125 gallons if not more. I currently only have a 55 gallon tank and what I would like to do is take my live rock and put it in my new tank that will hopefully be set up when I move my 55. I currently have about 90lbs of live rock.
My main question right now is if I purchase a bigger tank what type of tank is the best? I like the bowfronts but I heard they leak and bust a lot.
I am also unsure on what to do with my old 55 gallon tank. Any suggestions on that would be helpful too. I thought about making it a QT tank but that would only be useful when I get new fish.


well as far as your old tank turn it into a sump for you bigger tank! and as far as what type of tank to get thats pretty much gotta be your idea on what you want!


I would think about what I want to put in the tank and then get a tank that makes it easer to keep that item, like I want a "40gal breeder" or "low" tank for sps because I will get more light to the bottom of the tank and 40gal is not so big that my water-changes will not be hard


Active Member
Buy the biggest tank you can afford, and I would say the kind of tank you want will have alot to do with it....
If you want a reef tank I would say nothing over 24" high and the wider the better, it's also easier to light a shorter tank....
If you want a FOWLER set up get a longer tank for tangs and angels that like more space to build up speed....
Personally I think the best tanks are custom made to fit your particular needs and are priced the same as in the stores...You could also look for a used tank that you can buy new equipent for. Personally bow fronts are no my fav. I like really clean lined tanks. So for instance I have a eurobraced LeeMar that I run without a canopy

eric b 125

i am a big fan of 125 gallon tanks. they have a nice length to height ratio, and they are pretty wide. they're long enough for larger fish to swim, and their height allows for good light penetration. i have a 125 and it's plenty big for me. the next tank i get will still have the same dimentions, except for length. i might add 6" to the width, maybe. as far as using the 55 for a sump... if you want to go that route, you may want to build a custom stand. i have a standard perfecto stand under my 125, and the inside frame wont allow enough room for maintainence with a 55, i'll have to go w/ a 40 breeder for my sump/fuge.

eric b 125

btw, i was suggesting a rectangular tank to you. i dont like bowfronts 9 out of 10 times. and dont like wave fronts at all. jmo


thanks for all the advice so far. I think I pretty much ruled out a bowfront. I dont have corals. The closest I might get to a reef is my anemones and shrimp.