types of corals with compact lighting


In making my final decision on lighting, I was wondering if anyone could name some of the typs of corals I would be able to keep with a coralife compact flourescent set-up using 260 watts in a 55 gallon tank?????? thanks again..


I have a 75 gal tank with compact lighting. I only currently have two corals that are doing well. I have a green yellow star polyp, and green elephant ear mushrooms. They are doing great, as a matter of fact the green yellow stars are spreading. Ask around though because they are many corals that do not need intense lighting where compact do just fine. heres a pic of my star polyp not very good and it looks alot more green, I will try and post a better one later....good luck!!


Active Member
I have mushrooms, ricordeas, gorgonians, star polyps, button polyps, neon green stars, green stars, countless zoanthids, feather dusters, kenya tree, brain coral, purple sea whip, xenias, pom pom xenias.
They are all doing great and growing fast under my PC's.


Originally Posted by hot883
I have mushrooms, ricordeas, gorgonians, star polyps, button polyps, neon green stars, green stars, countless zoanthids, feather dusters, kenya tree, brain coral, purple sea whip, xenias, pom pom xenias.
They are all doing great and growing fast under my PC's.

What size tank and how much lighting do u have??? Also how often do u replace your bulbs?


Active Member
Originally Posted by drewdog82
What size tank and how much lighting do u have??? Also how often do u replace your bulbs?
I currently have a 125 with 520w of PC's. I did transfer evrything over though from my 55 that only had 260w on it.


Originally Posted by hot883
I currently have a 125 with 520w of PC's. I did transfer evrything over though from my 55 that only had 260w on it.

How about bulb replacement?? How often and how long do u keep your lights on??


384 watts of pc lighting over my 75:
Purple Whip Gargonia
Kenya Tree
Yellow Fiji Leather
Toadstool Leather
Star Polyps
Favia Brain
Montipora (Capricornins, digata, and encrusting)
I keep everything basically except for clams and the very high light demanding SPS corals. Certain Montipora's can be kept with some success though.


Active Member
Wow you really want to know!
OK, 55 gal odyssea 265w PC, 18x turnover sump, diy skimmer.
LPS: frogspon, hammer, 3 brains red/green, candy
3 kinds of zoas less than 6 each
yellow stars, green stars
Redgreen buttons
Blue spot shrooms (out of control), Purple shroom
Xenia (out of control) and 2 pulsing frags
Cabbage leather, green leather
2 dusters
I think thats it


Originally Posted by Jupoc911
384 watts of pc lighting over my 75:
Purple Whip Gargonia
Kenya Tree
Yellow Fiji Leather
Toadstool Leather
Star Polyps
Favia Brain
Montipora (Capricornins, digata, and encrusting)
I keep everything basically except for clams and the very high light demanding SPS corals. Certain Montipora's can be kept with some success though.

Thanx, how long do u keep your lights on and how often do u replace your bulbs??


Active Member
Originally Posted by drewdog82
How about bulb replacement?? How often and how long do u keep your lights on??
Sorry, I forgot. I had to replace my bulbs at about 8 months or so. They come on at 8am and go off at 6:30pm.


Originally Posted by hot883
Sorry, I forgot. I had to replace my bulbs at about 8 months or so. They come on at 8am and go off at 6:30pm.
Thanx, also
Do you have all your lights come on at once, or do you have your actinics on longer than the 10000 k???


Active Member
Originally Posted by drewdog82
Thanx, also
Do you have all your lights come on at once, or do you have your actinics on longer than the 10000 k???
Since they are on a timer and the room has daylight in it by that time, they all come on at once per fixture. Meaning 260w at o800 and a couple minutes later the other 260 comes on. My lights are not able to control actinics different then the others so all on at once. They don't freak out or anything and has done me fine for going on 1 year.


Originally Posted by hot883
Since they are on a timer and the room has daylight in it by that time, they all come on at once per fixture. Meaning 260w at o800 and a couple minutes later the other 260 comes on. My lights are not able to control actinics different then the others so all on at once. They don't freak out or anything and has done me fine for going on 1 year.

Thanks for all the help, I want to get the coralife fixture, and think I will after hearing about the success of Compacts...... I have heard very little about T-5's and because of this I will go for compacts...


I have the coralife fixture...compact about 350 dollars or so and it works great for me.... I also use a 50/50 four foot single that the tank came with for added light and my new corals are doing great.... here is a pic of one of my week old leathers.....


Active Member
When I had my PCs these are the corals I had (well ... still have):
Finger leather