Types of food im giving my Manderin


He eats Mysis, brine and i have been giving him bloodworms also. I always soak the brine in garlic but when i give the worms or the mysis shrimp i do not, is this correct?
I have ordered pods online also to help with his diet. Besides the live food in the tank he eats what is the most nutritious for him? :happy:


ya, he woofs em down seems to like the worms and the brine the best. I wish he was a little better at getting the food though he lets so many go by before he gets em. I have a diamond goby that just gorges himself so i kinda have to be careful on where the manderin is in the tank so that the current takes alot of food by where he is located or all my other piggies will eat his food. I was just wondering which of these was the most nutritious for him.


Active Member
definatly not the brine. most would be the mysis. I recomend putting vitamins in the food though to make sure he does well, essepcualy if brine is a large part of his diet. There is no nutritional value. This should be offerend purly as a treat.


mine eats mysis and brine, along with pods. i suck the mysis and brine (soaked in zoe) into a syring, and shoot it slowly at her mouth and the rocks where she is. She gobbles them up, and comes running when she sees the syring. Good Luck with yours


Active Member
I don't feed mine. He just hovers around the live rock looking around with his little googley eyes and occasionally siphoning up a copepod. Awsome fish, thats for sure. Their heads look like frogs.