types of salt mix


I am wondering if there is much difference in teh type of salt you use for your system.....i am currently in the process of setting up a 90g fish-only-with-LR tank and am wondering which type of salt to go with. I also know that this is an expensive hobby and you should not cut corners but if I can safely sae money I am going to do so......here are the types of salt mix I have come across where I live, I remind you teh prices are CAN and I don't have much to choose from....
All of these are prices on the large buckets (for 200g):
-Instant ocean ($99.99)
-Kent marine ($84.99)
-Red Sea ($45.99)
Because this tank is costintg em so much money I am tempted to go with the Red Sea....or is this stuff crap??? What do you think and which would YOU choose??? Thankx for any help in advance!:notsure:


Active Member
Thats a VERY good price on the Red Sea mix, Ive been using that for almost a year now with great results & been paying 60 bucks for 200gal bucket! The other prices seem kinda high though IMHO.

murray bmf

I use Instant Ocean, and those prices are WAY TO HIGH. I pay around $50.00 for a bucket of IO. I think they are all quality salt mixes. Matter of personel preference, but I think the standard is IO. Just my opinion.


Active Member
I've been hearing good things about Oceanic Salt Mix so I decided to give it a try. Here's my test results... each test was done twice...
Temp- 79°
Salinity- 35ppt
PH- 8.3
Dkh- 8.6
Calcium- 450ppm
Magnesium- 1440ppm
NO3- 0
PO4- 0
Si- 0

bruce p.

New Member
Try Crystal Sea Marine Mix, rated the best by a scientific study on Premium Aquatics.com site. Has less toxic minerals than any other brand tested. Instant Ocean was the worst rated.


One of the LFS I go to said she noticed a dramatic change for the good when she went to the red sea and thats all shell use now.


There is a study out regarding salt compositions and the diff manufacturers. I think there have even been posts in here regarding the results.......it can be searched under s 15 reports or search the same in thses forums