Types of Salt


You will get many different opinions but I use IO. main reason is price at the store and it does OK for me. I do test every new bucket to make sure no swings in make up. Just my .02 worth.


Active Member
Well..everyone has their own personal thoughts...but for me, if you have a reef, and are willing to spend the money..I like the Tropic Marin Pro Reef Salt, but the Seachem reef salt is also good. If you're going for a fish-only, Kent salt isn't bad at all..or just the regular Seachem salt will work well too.


Active Member
I like Reef Crystals but I plan to try a container of Tropic Marine Pro whenever I ned to buy salt again.


Active Member
From my experience, it really depends on the type of tank you have. Oceanic and reef crystals and some others for example, have higher concentrations of calcium which is good for reef tanks which have alot of calcium guzzling corals, but can be lethal to say your sea stars in a fowlr and invert tank, because when mixed, the calcium is usually beginning in a "too" high range. I ran out of instant ocean once and used oceanic and my calcium went way above 600...I have fowlr and inverts and two of my three starfish ended up dying because afterwords it took nearly two months to bring the calcium back down...because with inverts you can not drop your specific gravity much below 1.024 and the only way to bring the calcium down is to dilute your water with r/o water, which in turn brings down your salinity...Now that things are back to normal, the chocolate chip star, the only survivor of the three seastars is returning to his normal color and health. Just remember to always test your water mix before adding to the tank and you should be ok.


Wow! I am glad you told me that. I have a Fromia and one of those white/gray sand sifter stars. I better be careful. Thanks!!

sinner's girl

oh great and I'm using Oceanic after my alk problem with IO. I'm still ticked about that...Now you're saying I could have a calc problem, which I don't test for since I don't have a reef.
the point is, you have to test each new bag/bucket. I was able to use IO for years, then wamp! I got a bad bag and it killed my crabs, hermts and urchins...didn't bother my stars.
I liked it when I didn't know any better and could just use IO.


Active Member
I've used Oceanic and Instant Ocean in the past. Oceanic has VERY high calcium--too high to be reasonable, unless you're growing a LOT of stony corals. IO, in my experience, was a little up and down on levels. Now I'm using Tropc Marin, and I really like it. I won't likely switch again.


Active Member
I used IO for yrs but found my corals not always thriving for my FOWLR tanks it was fine.read a magezine article one day about new spectrum reef salt decided to give it a try my corals perked up over nite and my tank water is clearer.so now i use seachem cost was very close in comparison but the effects on my corals was def a big improvement


Originally Posted by dfreeman64
You will get many different opinions but I use IO. main reason is price at the store and it does OK for me. I do test every new bucket to make sure no swings in make up. Just my .02 worth.

I agree