U V Sterilizers?


Active Member
does anyone have any pros and cons of the uvs i wanted to get one to put in my sump. i heard it can kill alot of benificial bacteria too.


Active Member
It's debateable......I wouldn't say it's a necessary piece of equipment....Before I'd spend money on a UV sterilzier I'd make sure my skimmer and pumps were top notch


Active Member
I bought a UV after a problem with Ich in one of my tanks. So one of my tanks has one and the other doesn't.
Only one Yellow Tang got the Ich and after getting rid of the Ich on the Tang and moving the other fish (who never got it) I dropped the salinity on this tank and started with the Sterilizer and left for the six week period you needed to do to get through the Ich cycle.
I then put my stock back in the tank. During the six week process I found this product from TLC. It has good bacteria basically in the bottle. In addition to using the TLC I use Kent's Essential Elements. Essential Elements has always been used by me and with a sterlizer in this tank, a dose of it regualry wouldn't hurt. So far, so good... and we are talking several months.
Since incorporating the TLC into the sterlized tank plan I have noticed little change in my water quality from a visual standpoint and no harmful or detrimental changes in water parameters.
Also, everyone is alive and healthy and no one has died or caught a disease for that matter.
So that is my experience with the UV. I like it and my LFS has ordered another one for me for the second tank.
Denise M.


Active Member
Originally Posted by fishfreek
Denise, glad to see that the UV is working out for you in your tank!
Yeah, now that I have it, I wouldn't be without it for the main tank. Now the tank in my bedroom is going to get one. I don't want a problem there.
Before I got the one from you, I borrowed one for several weeks from my LFS since he initially suggested it.
Recently, my youngest daughter started going to the LFS several times a week helping him out, and since the one I had him order is in, he gets the one I borrowed back.
The aggressive tank is getting a permanent sterlizer now.
I'm sold on sterlizers now... regardless of some differing opinions the proof is in what it did for my main tank.
Denise M.


Active Member
Well....now i'm on the hunt for another UV. I really should've hung on to that one.... oh well. I added another fish to my tank and now i have a slight case if ick(man i wish i still had it). I'm glad you are happy with the UV though!


Active Member
Originally Posted by fishfreek
Well....now i'm on the hunt for another UV. I really should've hung on to that one.... oh well. I added another fish to my tank and now i have a slight case if ick(man i wish i still had it). I'm glad you are happy with the UV though!
Hey! Before you buy one, email me. My LFS planned on selling me one at cost or slightly over. You did me a favor - let me see if I can return it for you.
Email address in case you lost it is merredeth at gmail dot com - you know how to fix the address to make it work.
Denise M.


Denise do you run your UV all the time? I am setting up a 175 fowlr and bought a coralife uv sterlizer. also you said you run it in your sump? What do you use for a pump for it? thanks for your reply


Active Member
Originally Posted by Harndog
Denise do you run your UV all the time? I am setting up a 175 fowlr and bought a coralife uv sterlizer. also you said you run it in your sump? What do you use for a pump for it? thanks for your reply
I don't run it in a sump. I use a pump / powerhead to circulate the water through the UV. I let my UV run all the time.
There was another person on this thread that runs it through the sump, but I cannot recall who it was.
Denise M.