UF w/ reverse flow power heads any good?


Is it any good to even try a reverse flow power head with a UG, or is it just a waste?
Is there any othere good use for a power head?
I already purchused two power heads for my 60 gallon, but am now changing my mind about using a UG. What could I use the power heads for now, or should I return them?
Thank you.


keep the powerheads...return the UGF!!!!
UGF usually do more harm than good...even a reverse flow. You can keep the PHs and use them for flow around the tank. You can buy either those sponge or slitted caps to put over the intakes on the PHs so nothing gets sucked up! I run two PHs on my 60 and they work great for flow.


Active Member
YES, powerheads are still needed for circulation in the tank. Just hold on to them. The UG filter is unecessary. Just use the powerheads alone, no tubes attached to them or anything.


Any advise on where (or how) to position the power heads?
Also, about capping off the opening, is that nessesary?
Any more advise or details on how yours are set up would be great!
Thank you.......


Active Member
:notsure: You mean the openings where the tubes go into the UGF? You actually want to remove the plates from underneath the substrate.


There never was a UGF put in the tank (no substrate yet).
The tank is just being set up, I purchased the PH and am now deciding on no UGF.
Kaotik said " You can buy either those sponge or slitted caps to put over the intakes on the PHs so nothing gets sucked up!"?
That is what confused me a little.


Active Member
Ah, yes. Often they come with the powerheads already since powerheads have a variety of uses.


open the your power head box (cardboard container it came in) look for a slitted cap. usually there are many attachments that came with the power head.


OH!!!! Sorry, sorry, sorry.
So I put a slitted cap on the bottem opening of the power head where the water flows up through so that large particles don't get sucked through?
Is that right?
At first I thought they ment to cover the opening to the UGF if it was in the tank and the power heads where removed from the top of the lift tubes? But there never was a UGF.
So my question is now how important is it to use the slitted caps or sponges?
I recently purchused 2 PH for my 30 gallon and it did not come with any extra parts.
I ordered a larger verison, but same brand, same company, so I don't know if they will have these caps or not (I wont know until tommorow).
Any cheap substatutes or replacements? From where and how much?


what brand are the PH's. that'll help a bit and what size. (gph) i had one that didnt need any attachments on the intake. but if it has a hole that is sucking the water in you need to seperate the flow into it so that it isnt too strong that it will suck up one of your smaller scared new fishies.


The are a cheap brand "Aqua Clear".
The one for my 60 gallon is a model 402 rated at 270 gph (125 reverse flow).
The intake opening is pretty big (judging by the smaller model 301 (174 gph) that I have in my 30 gallon.
Critters might get sucked up! What to do?????


so really there was no covering tube, or filter tube tht came with your PH? can you stil take them back, and exchange them. do you have a photo. i looked online but cant find that model.


it should have a short tapered extension that fits onto the PH intake which usually fits into the UG tubes...any slitted intake cap (such as the ones you get with a canister or power filter) will fit onto this tapered extension. These can be purchased for about $3 at most LFS.


Just curious, but would the UG plates act as a plenum? Would a foam filter over the intake of the powerhead cause any problems?


Thanks again for the help.
The smaller PH for my 30g did have a slighted cap built in.
I will find out about the bigger ones when I get them tommorow.
The LFS advise was good, and I don't know about the UF question.
Thanks again........


Nothing wrong with a UGF with reverse flow for a FO or FOWLR.........not for a reef though. You have to understand that the majority of the people who are negative about them, NEVER used them.........they just repeat what they read from other that never used them. UGF with reverse flow for the two setups I mentioned works great. Yhe CC layer should be 1- 2 " max.
Detritus gets pushed up into the water column and captured by your skimmer or canister.


we got our 75 gal tank not to long ago we have a protien skimmer, large filter, and two power heads it seams that the water is moving decently in all spots except 1 or two small spots on the bottom is more than two powerheads necessary and what is a ugf :hilarious