UGF Removed

I just want to thank SWF and all of the help I received on this forum. I have successfully removed an UGF and replaced it with a LSB in which my live sand was delivered just as I was told. I hope to be ordering a package of inverts very soon. Thanks guys!!!
I ordered the Florida Keys live sand in the 40-45 lb. bag. I placed 45 lbs. of dead aragonite on the bottom of it. The aragonite was Fiji Pink. The live sand I ordered was, kinda hard to explain, an off white i guess you could say. Nothing to an extremely bold color like completely white or pink or anything. It definitely give my aquarium a more natural look. I am definitely satisfied with it and would recommend it. I have yet to see though how good the sand is. Im hoping to see the tank cycle within the week. I waited for three months with crushed coral and never saw a cycle.
Hope this will tell you what you need to know.


I ordered LS from this site to I got 2 20# bags of Nature's Ocean...I have 60# of playsand and 30# of Nature's Ocean in my display tank...It has been up for almost 10mths now and has done nothing but flourish..The playsand has turned into LS and it looks great!! I ended up with a 5-6in sandbed...only problem I have now is I am fighting a bristleworm outbreak...ugh...but other than that no problems at all....good luck to you
I'm curious if there is any way of knowing how long it will take for my LS to seed my dead sand? Also I was in the middle of my cycle with my nitrites off of the charts when I added the LS, any idea how long I will have to wait on my cycle now?
I had 45 lbs. of LS and 45 lbs. of dead sand.