Ugh. Ever buy something at the LFS because it looked like the perfect size...


...then you get it home and realize it was all squished up in the LFS' tank? I now have the world's largest anemone taking up a good sized corner of my tank. If it isn't one thing, right!!

Now I'm not worried about it hosting my clown, I'm worried about it eating
my clown!!


Active Member
I do that all the time.. the lfs usually have large coral tanks.. and my tank is small.. so I see a coral in there tank and go man! that thing looks perfect size.. get it in my tank and im like dang... I have no room for anything else now.


Yep.. Ahhhh look at the little cute anemone he is only like 1"
Today that one is now five of them and they are the size of dinner plates and have tentacles that are over 12" long each. My clown now lives in what looks like a forest...