Ugh...stupid LFS....


Member i just went n bought ich x from my lfs. he said that since there isnt copper in it i can put it in my display tank. He said they do it and it hasnt ever harmed any of their invertibrates. i came home did the first dose now im looking it up online and i should have just put together a freakin quarentine tank. it says dont use w/inverts. what should i do? continue w/ treatment or try n make a q tank? has anyone else used this product? Please help!


Well-Known Member
You should have a quarantine tank to begin with... Any type of holding container, even a rubbermaid would do All you would need is a filter on it and a heater.
If the bottle says that it is not safe for inverts, then don't use it with inverts...
Don't trust what the live fish store says all of the time. If they keep making mistakes like that, then read, read, read before you add anything to your tank.


Oh boy... I hate these threads. Sorry for your misfortune. I'm no disease expert, but I've been through the ich adventure. Ich is a parasite, and there are only two ways to kill it: copper and hyposalinity. Either way, it's best to treat in a QT. You're probably ok with what you've added to your DT. I'd do a water change and put a carbon filter in the DT. Then I'd take my time setting up a QT. Anything you do to treat ick in your DT is probably going to result in everything dieing anyway. So it's best to take your time setting up the QT to ensure it's not the cause of death. If they die before you get the QT ready it's no big deal. The thing you want to avoid is killing them yourself in an attempt to treat them. To be quite honest, if you are able to save one or more fish you will be doing better than most first timers. This is a difficult disease to treat the first attempt. There is tons of info on hyposalinity, setting up QTs, and even copper on this forum if you use the search function. The best thing you can do right now is read. Get as much info as you can, take a deep breath, and start setting up a QT when you're ready.


It "treats" ich, it does not "cure" ich.
That being said, I checked the ingredients and there is no copper. It has malachite green, and if I'm not mistaken isn't that what they use in kick ick, which IS reef and invert safe?? Lemme google...


the ich will stay in your display but never treat it it needs to set empty for 4-6 weeks and they will die off


Active Member
Ich cannot live without a fish host... if your tank is left fallow for IMO a minimum of 6 weeks 8 to be safe then it should be gone.
Water changes and running carbon would be my suggestion for you right now. Good Luck.


So do I need to take all of my fish out?? and treat them for ich? I have 2 damsels, spotted hawkfish, 2 clownfish(the ick carriers), and today I just got my fuzzy dwarf lionfish and saddlepuffer that I ordered while I was on vaca. How big of a hospital tank do I need? If I use it as my hospital tank after I'm done will I be able to use it as qt? Please help!


Active Member
Originally Posted by markeo99
rule #1 most lfs are stupid
Some of their employees are stupid, but most likely, the owners aren't stupid at all. They want your money on the rememdy product, then they can sell you some more livestock once you have killed everything...then repeat the cycle.


Active Member
Originally Posted by lietz06
So do I need to take all of my fish out??Either that or all your LR, and inverts and treat them for ich? Yes Hypo Salinity is your first course of actionI have 2 damsels, spotted hawkfish, 2 clownfish(the ick carriers), and today I just got my fuzzy dwarf lionfish and saddlepuffer that I ordered while I was on vaca. How big of a hospital tank do I need? Nothing smaller than 30gals for that many fish If I use it as my hospital tank after I'm done will I be able to use it as qt? YesPlease help!

Rubber maid containers have served others in the past as a quick solution to a hospital tank, HOB filter some water from your DT and a heater and you should be ok. Or the reversal, use the rubber maid container for all your LR and inverts with a HOB filter and heater to keep everything living add a power head too, and dont forget to feed them. Look at the disease forums there are threads describing all that you are asking.