Ughhhh, im so fed up with this!


Active Member
VERY SIMPLE SOLUTION - Stop using DISTILLED water. Use RO water, and that will take care of a large chunk of your phosphates.


before jumping on the chemical bandwagon, you need to find thw source of your phosphate problem... have you invested in your own ro/di unit or are you getting the water from an outside source? have you tested the water for phosphates before placing it in your tank?? how much do you feed??? what do you feed? if you feed frozen foods thaw and strain. all of your frozen foods are in h2o which will have phospates in it, and that could be why there in your tank... another thing, does your tank recieve direct sunlight? direct sun will cause nasty alge blooms.. also slime algae is a part of the natural cycle of tanks. 4 months is a VERY VERY VERY imature tank. it is still in the adjustment peroid.


Active Member

Originally posted by spsaddict
before jumping on the chemical bandwagon, you need to find thw source of your phosphate problem... have you invested in your own ro/di unit or are you getting the water from an outside source? have you tested the water for phosphates before placing it in your tank?? how much do you feed??? what do you feed? if you feed frozen foods thaw and strain. all of your frozen foods are in h2o which will have phospates in it, and that could be why there in your tank... another thing, does your tank recieve direct sunlight? direct sun will cause nasty alge blooms.. also slime algae is a part of the natural cycle of tanks. 4 months is a VERY VERY VERY imature tank. it is still in the adjustment peroid.

i use ro water for the last 2 months of the i have no tested the water for phosphates but i will but the water comes from a top of the line lfs. i feed once everyday. i feed some frozen "SAltwater Mutipack" which includes,omega 3 brine shrimp(rarely because it comes off in chunks),squid, emerald entree,marine cuisine. no direct sunlight and what do you mean by thawing the food?all i do is slice it off the cube then put it in the tank. also,my tank is close to six months old


k 6 months is still young.... it is still in the process of getting all balanced out.. second, what i mean by thawing is taking the food soaking it in rodi water, then straining it... the food is frozen in h2o... that has phosphates in it i guarentee you this. so inorder to remove em, you must haw and strain it.. also feeding everyday no matter the ammount is excessive... cut it back to one every 3 days
it might be time for your lfs to get some new filters too :)