Ugliest Aquarium Contest - Win $100 order

Staff member
It's been a little while since our last contest, so let's get one started up again.
That's right. We would love to give you helping hand. If your tank is barren or just plain ugly go ahead and submit your photo. A free $100 order should certainly spruce things up.
Photo must be a full tank shot of your aquarium and it must be up and running (empties don't count). Winner will receive a free $100 live goods order from Must be at least 18 years old to win, but anyone can enter.
Check out the Fish Photography, Fish Discussion, and Reef Tank forums for similar contests.
Photo size should be 500x500 or less
Contest will end Dec. 10th


Ok. Here is a pic of my tank that I want to make a reef, but so far all I have in there is rock and fish. It is just so plain.


Active Member
Wait wait wait wait... Now do we have to pay all of those feees and on top spend over 90$'s?

use dgs

The only reason why those are ugly is the fact that you dont have a black backround, the rocks arent set up well or there arent many rocks at all and there doesnt seem to be many fish. Its not hard to make a nice aquarium if ya ask me


Active Member
Originally Posted by Use dgs
The only reason why those are ugly is the fact that you dont have a black backround, the rocks arent set up well or there arent many rocks at all and there doesnt seem to be many fish. Its not hard to make a nice aquarium if ya ask me
this is a ugly tank contest!


Active Member
Originally Posted by Use dgs
The only reason why those are ugly is the fact that you dont have a black backround, the rocks arent set up well or there arent many rocks at all and there doesnt seem to be many fish. Its not hard to make a nice aquarium if ya ask me

lets see some pics of yours!!! since it is so easy


Active Member
i wish i could win i have a tank with no lr just a chromis and sand and no lr at all like stated and it has all dead corals liek the dried up one for 1 dollar a piece
if iany one wants to see an UGLY tank let me know lol


One more - pitiful isn't it. My kids keep asking for more, they just don't understand - you can have an aquarium, or fish - can't afford both.