Uh oh, I didnt acclimate snails


New Member
I had no idea you had to acclimate snails, I just plopped them in. I bought 17 astrea snails 2 days ago and they are not moving in my tank like they were in the FS. What can I do to save them?
My tank parameters are:
Ammonia 0
nitrite 0
nitrate 0
Ph 8.2
Phos 0.2
Alk 9dkh
SG 1.023
Temp. 78
I hope its not to late


I could be wrong, but when mine fall on their back I need to turn them back over.
Are yours just not moving or what?
They are supposed to do most of their cleaning at night,but mine seem to clean 24/7.


Active Member
I just bought a bunch of snails and all I did was temperature regulate them by floating the bag for a bit and then I just dropped them in. And yes Astrea's cannot turn themselves over and they do most of their feeding at night.....check them after the lights have been off for at least 30 minutes.


New Member
Well I floated them to temp. acclimate but didnt drip acclimate like fish. But I put them all in a row last night before the lights turned off and they are all still in the same position so either they have good memory of where they were or they didnt make it.


Active Member
Should always drip acclimate mobile inverts though many do not. Shrimp especially, crabs not always neccessary, snails are iffy but safer to do so. Nothing you can do but hope for the best at this time.
Check your ph and make sure it is within 7.9-8.4.

payton 350

give them some time...check to see if they are dead(smell) maybe raise sg to 1.025
I always just temp acclimate and unless the sg is off from where they came from ...i dropped them in with the same amount of success as drip acclimating them
DO you have them set up on the sand...or on rocks? Mine will not "walk" across the sand bottom


i did the same thing. i didnt know i had to acclimate them so we temperature regulating them by floating the bag. then our LFS told us about acclimating.


New Member
Originally Posted by Payton 350
give them some time...check to see if they are dead(smell) maybe raise sg to 1.025
I always just temp acclimate and unless the sg is off from where they came from ...i dropped them in with the same amount of success as drip acclimating them
DO you have them set up on the sand...or on rocks? Mine will not "walk" across the sand bottom
I do have them set up on the sand and the ones I had on the rock fell off. So when I get home in a few days, I'll try to put them on the rock., My Sg is 1.023