Uhh... Is my Bubbletip reproducing? (pics)


Ok... just got home. 2:30am right now.
I left here about 6 hours ago.
Every night I come home, I use a flashlight
real quick to see if I can catch any new
night creatures in my tank in action...
well, I saw this and one of my bubble tip
anemones has left it's "spot" from a high part of the tank where it stayed and dropped
onto the sand and it now looks like this...

I can't tell if it's reproducing. Sorry to
post this question so soon, but I was just
fascinated and excited about this.
Or could it just be some crammed position
the anemone has formed into? Guess I'll
find out in the morning when I wake up!


My BTA has grown quite a bit since I got it a couple months ago. Mine too looked like it was splitting, but I think it was just getting so big it was curling up. Only time will tell, one time you may wake up and have 2 anenomes :)
I was the same way when I saw mine curled up, I took pictures just in case it did split, and I could say I had a pic of it. It hasnt split for me yet though, must have been camera shy.


my bubbletip recently split into two separate anemones, and that appears to be what yours is doing. the funny thing was, though, it seemed to happen in a couple of hours, and by the time i noticed i had two anemones heading in opposite directions from one another! congrats...i would take this as a good sign! keep up the good work.


False alarm :( Sorry. Andymi, pretty much
did what you described. Just curled up in a
wierd way. How big is your bubbletip anyway
and what do you feed it and how much?


Mine is approximately 6-8" in diamter now from the original 3-4" and it has been in my tank for about 2-3 months. It has moved quite a few times, and was not cared for by my original clownfish too much, he seemed to like my long tentacle. Anyhow, the clown was nipped at one too many times by my sally lightfoot and wound up dead. I then remove the sally lightfoot and replaced the clown with a pair of occelaris clownfish that have been with the bubble tip for approximately 1 month now. On occassion I will just brush some food into it's tentacles so that it gets some food, but mostly the clownfish take care of keeping it healthy.
Some say that the anenomes will split if they feel there is enough food in the tank to support both of them. Mine seemed to look like that about a day after I gave it a big piece of food, but it has not done anything since. Maybe someday it will split, then I can put one in my new 150 gallon :)