ultimate sale in the chicago area!!!!!!



3 colonies of zoos(brown and orenge)- $15 ea.
big colony of green mushrooms(about 30) $20
Torch coral( about 4 inch diameter)
Rock anenomie( on a 2 lb rock)- $15
2 Rose buble tip anenomie( 2 inch diameter)- $15 ea.
Tear drop maxima( 3-4 inches)- $35
colony of green button pollyups(about 30)- $15
1 big ritteri anenomie( 6 inch diameter)- $30
1 big sqamosa w/ awsome color(5 inches)- $40
colony of yellow pollyups(about 15)- $10

after most of these are gone I will sell 100 lbs of lr that has been in my tank for about a year and has copods and bristle worms for $3 a lb.
I also have a PRIZM skimmer its the smaller of the 2 models and in perfect shape. I will let that go for $60.
I also have a Top Fathom 200 for sale. All ready and just need a pump (mag 9) prefered to work. Ill sell it for $50
I have 2 MH set up w/ ballasts, bulbs and cords. One is a 175 and the other is a 250. Make me an offer for those...
Thats about it for now please respond if you have any questions


Active Member
what do you want for the MH 250? what kind of reflector, ballast, bulb etc.? how old is it? got any pictures?


New Member
I would be interested in either mh setup. As inquiry above please let me know all the specs of both.


Are you willing to ship anything? may be intersted in
1 colonie of zoos(brown and orenge)- $15 ea.
Torch coral( about 4 inch diameter)
Tear drop maxima( 3-4 inches)- $35
1 big sqamosa w/ awsome color(5 inches)- $40
2 MH set up w/ ballasts, bulbs and cords. One is a 175 and the other is a 250. Make me an offer for those...
Do you have any pictures please send to randpgreenhouse@frontiernet.net


Active Member
where in chicago I would take all the livestock if it is healthy could pick it up sunday and pay cash3 colonies of zoos(brown and orenge)- $15 ea.
big colony of green mushrooms(about 30) $20
Torch coral( about 4 inch diameter)
Rock anenomie( on a 2 lb rock)- $15
2 Rose buble tip anenomie( 2 inch diameter)- $15 ea.
Tear drop maxima( 3-4 inches)- $35
colony of green button pollyups(about 30)- $15
1 big ritteri anenomie( 6 inch diameter)- $30
1 big sqamosa w/ awsome color(5 inches)- $40
colony of yellow pollyups(about 15)- $10
really would like it all but the ritteri


SweetDawn Im very interested in your off just b/c you are going to buy in bulk and can meet me somewhere.
The MH I will sell the 175 package for $100 and the 250 Package for $150. I live Villa Park, a suberb of chicago.. SweetDawn if you still can come on sunday post back.


Active Member
ok I need to find out where villa park is im a couple of miles out of chicago in indiana got to find my atlas still want everything but the one anemone. also interested in the 250 mh.
i have sunday off. I have to go to work in a little bit can you post your email I dont want my husband to know how much im buying which is why i didnt post mine
I will mail you when i get home from work at 5 I dont mind the drive i went to chicago last week for a gakick meeting that was not worth the drive but corals are :hilarious


my e-mail is sledenecks911@hotmail.com
P.S I have
1 back and white large sebae
1 percula clown
1 yellow wrasse
1 mangerin goby
It will be hard to get them out, it is a 75 gal w/ about 150-200 lbs of rock


Active Member
hey you need to check your email adress to make sure it is right my email came back as non deliverable account does not exsist