Ultra Colored Montipora For Sale, Palm Beach Fl. PU Welcome


Active Member
Started a thread on some insane zoas and thought mabey a combined shipment would be benificial. These wild harvest montys are from Bali, Jakarta, S. Pacific ect.. Trans shipped 3 weeks ago and I fragged the pieces. My pieces were small but I'm willing to sell a few frags approx . I will mount them on rock via epoxy using various frags if requested....... Or I can do a frag of each on one rock. It will be a insane piece in 6 months or so.
pm my for prices


Active Member
My private stock of Wild Harvest Superman Monty Frags Available as well

Superman Frags Sold. Johnny and Cindy I have you a piece.


Originally Posted by Johnny&Sin
Got you some polyps over here too. Give me a call today i fyou wanna come check em out. If not they'll still be here for ya
WOW I thought you were my friend!!!

After all those credit card slips you've witnessed me signing I thought for sure YOU would know I spell my name with an "S"!!!


sorry about the delay with the yuma but do u still have any? and also i ssaw the post about monti's but was it only the supermans for sale or the other ones in the pic 2?
o ya youre pm box is full


Active Member
I can't even come close to describing the how INCREDIBLE the frags are!!!!!! I'm EXTREMELY happy to be able to add these to my collection!!!! His zoos and sps are

Thanks Again James
