Um....slight problem...I think we have a male and a female bird!


It is cool to have them lay the eggs and watch the babies grow.
Depending on how old your kids are it might be a great experience for them to handfeed them (or at least play with the babies every day to get them used to people).
My female was in with a bunch of birds and when I brought her home she laid one egg the next day. Since then she hasn't laid any in the past 1 1/2 years. I do have my friend's male cockatiel come "visit" us when they need me to watch it, but luckily he's a year younger and she won't let him anywhere near the back end! hahaha
It's hard to separate them as well...I had a breeding pair and when I went to college I left them at home with my parents. They didn't want any more babies so they tried putting them in cages next to each other and ended up with a vet bill since the female started pulling her feathers all out and went partially bald! Turned out it was stress from the separation. They went back together and found a new home with a family who wanted to breed them (had kids to help out with playing with the babies).
Good luck!


Active Member
My 13 year old would be great with baby birds, she bred hamsters for awhile and took awesome care of them. She goes to school though so handfeeding them would be out of the question for her, and I have a new baby so my time is pretty much consumed with him.
I hope if we have to seperate them they don't stress too bad!