Umbrella Mushroom


Active Member
Im thinkin about gettign some umbrella mushroom for my tank.. and im wondering how fast does it grow, and what type of lights does it require


most mushrooms are low to strong lighting. most adapt very well to lighting. there are so amny common names for mushrooms the only way to get or give a good answer is to see what is being called an umbrella mushrooms. all mushrooms can spread fairly quick after the get established though. there are a few exceptions to this.


I have one, well now four, and it is a nice coral, but you need to be careful. The one I have grew about 2" across in just a few months. It mananged to eat one of my gobies. I fragged it and it is too small to that again, but lesson learned. They need to be fed small pieces of meat every once and while and seem to like the shade in my sustem that gets 4 watts to the gallon.


I just use frozen stuff, brine, krill, chopped silversides, commercial blends generally. Nothing fancy. I do rinse all the frozen foods before I feed them.