Umbrella/Toadstool Leather Placement?????


Active Member
where should i place mine at this morning he was fully open but now he is closed up could this be because of his placement maybe not a strong enough current blowing on him?
Please Help,


I keep mine about half way up in the tank, and there in medium -low current. THey have reproduced like crazy. When there going to split I notice they get a little purple in color, and shrink up a little. Hope it helps.


Mine actually prefer low currents. I have mine about half way up the tank and seem to do better. How long has it been in the tank?


Active Member
well i just got it yesterday 2/15/03 and it is half way up my tank and a very low current i have to face a small powerhead sorta facing it i believe


Active Member
does your toadstool stay open all day because mine was open for about 3 hours this morning but since 12:00 Eastern time it's been closed:confused: